Kieran Robinson


The best art is the kind that needs no explanation.
The kind that knows the artist better than the artist knows it.
A great piece owns the man holding the brush.

If anyone wishes to feel a tad more involved I also have a few ongoing art projects that I would love for you take part in....

The first would simply require you to finish this sentence:
I believe.........
Simply send me it in a message here.
Once enough answers have been submitted an art piece will be put together using them.

The other requires a bit more dedication.
First you must fill in the blanks in one of these sentences:
___________ my ____________.    ,    ___________ your ___________.     ,    ___________ the ____________
Then choose a place on your body and using any medium you choose write this sentence on it. (You can do it yourself or find someone willing). Finally take a picture of it and send it to me here.
I will post every picture I receive here unless you wish me not to and after 100 pictures have been gathered, a grand old party art show will be thrown with the pictures front and center!

Thank you very much!