I've decided that instead of keeping a journal, every day I would answer these questions for myself. You are welcome to try them out if it tickles your fancy.

1) Song of the day?

2) Lesson/Moral of the day?

3) Status of the day?
(the idea for this one comes from facebook. Start the answer with your name and finish the sentence.)

4) Today's rating?

5) Today's mood?

6) Today's award to someone or something deserving?

7) Today's biggest accomplishments?

8) Today's random thought?

9) A non-obvious hope for tomorrow?

Leave a Reply.


    A place for all the bonus sets of questions that either didn't make it into the book or I happened to write later. I'm sure we'd all love to hear your answers too! (oh and check back regularly. New sets are posted all the time!)


    April 2010
    March 2010

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